Sunday 25 October 2015

HCPG Group Ride

HCPG  Group Ride 23/10/2015

Meeting Point: The Stow Car park

Time: 09.00 

The time and place was finally set for our group ride, a big thanks to Bill Preston for making this one happen, and a big thanks to the 17 riders who turned up for the HCPG Group ride on a chilly Sunday morning! 

 A Few phtos of the ride out to the Mint Cafe at Sawbridgeworth cafe.

First photo of the group! Not to sure I got everyone in!

Might have done it! Er no! I can see now still more left out!
09:00 Soon came and went so it was time to go! I passed out a few Parktool Tyre Levers to everyone who turned up.

Plenty of leaves all over the place on the cycle path towards Potter Street.

First stop of the day was Bill to stop to get a twig out of his Derailier!
We all made it as far as Southern Way, Wayne had gone to look at the Park Inn Bench just to check if it was still there!

A little confusion I feel here! some wanted straight on, and a few wanted left!

Just a check!

Such a "Laid Back" riding position has Keith!

Bench is still there!
10yard up the road and we get out first "P" Think!

Funny enough I have some Tyre Levers!

Decided to swap things around, Wayne change the inner tune and I will take the photos! 

A 1970'S Pump!

Linda, just love this photo!

That's good Callum, get the tyre levers and the pump in the photo!

Best to let the younger members of the group get the practise in of pumping!

Nearly there!

We are on the move!

By this time we had lost the main group!

The "Famous Five"

Not one of my better photos!

Have not got the hang of "Over the Shoulder" Shots yet!

A Classic Cycling Photo!
The good old Monkey Mirror! I never go any where with out wearing this one on the road bike!

A Classic shot!

On the way to Hatfield Heath we meet up with Jane and Chris!

The 5 became 7!

Trees are beautiful.

Callum going great guns!

After the heavy rain the day before it turned out to be a lovely day!


All of a sudden Chris stopped! Her shoe laces got caught up in her pedals!

Blue Sky!

We made it!

Callum noticed that Peter had just got one of those "P" Things!

Lots of bikes at the Mint Cafe

Oh Dear!

A Great "Mug"

A Part selfie!

"Feed Me"

A Ride out with Bill!

Lots of photos!

My Arm Warmer!

Coffee stop other with time to head off!

That's better, or is it! Selfie!

Check on the pressure of the tyres!

Catch you later guys! Off for a ride out to clock up the miles!

What we doing, where we going!

Back in the saddle!

Back in Harlow just past the Gibbard Garden entrance, Jane and Keith go left, we go straight on! Bye been a great day!

Still a Blue Sky!

Wayne saying his "Goodbyes! Bye!

A Man and his Bike photo.

A Lady and her Bike photo.

The "Famous" Gina Gee!

Seemed to be over all to soon!

The "Handshake" Thank you Bill for the getting us all together ride out!

The Two Lady cyclists photo!

Be here all day! 

Just a few fun photos of the ride out, thanks to Bill Preston for the Event was a Epic ride out.

Thanks to everyone who made it such a enjoyable Group ride out, sorry about the loss of a few riders.

We must stick together a bit tighter next time! Been great and thanks to Parktool and MaddisonUK for the Tyre Levers.

Thanks also to the Mint Cafe for having us all! 

See you all next time.