Tuesday 20 October 2015

Harlow MTB Club Trail cutting!

Next Meet up for the Trail cutting 


Sunday 22/11/2015 



 Harlow MTB Club

Time 1pm onwards
Place: Latton Common Woods.

I poped up to the Latton Woods today and met up with a few others to help out with the Trail planning and cutting the path.

Here are a few photos on how we all got on...

Great day for it.

Not to many miles put in to day!

I arrived just after 1pm, so was a bit late getting there.

Trees looked splendid in the Sunshine.

After a ride around a bit, I cam across Allen, he was in the same situation as I was, not met up with any of the other party as yet!

Finally we came across the other two in a clearing after we decided to ride the trail from the start.

Chris decided to get a bit carried away and went off to track a trail! That was the last we saw of him for a while!

Ideal Trail route.

This one had been made earlier.

The thick brambles very deep! Easy once you got your back in to it! 

Made great progress for the time we were on site.

Every where we went more brambles!

Sun shines lovely though the tall trees.

A Clearing!

Not that hard to create the path, just a case of pick a point and hack away!

A Test of the Children's trail, this will be the first route made.

I did say to Alen I cut his head off! (Sorry)

Its looking Good!

Typical terrain we had to go through.

Amazing what can be achieved with a bit of help!

Filled in the ditch a bit because of safety grounds. Don't want the youngsters to fall off!

We can make it ridable!

A Easy section to clear here that is until we get to the brambles again!

Easy to pull out!

Right between the trees! The kids will love this!

Big ditch needed to be filled!

Coming along nicely.

Chris giving it a go!

We are heading through there!

A Lot of clearing at this section will be needed.

 And that was it for me, I had to go just had things to do! 

Well done to David Wales, Chris Pattern and Allan Thompson for helping make this a great ride to come! 

Want to find out more, interested in what we have planned, then join us on Facbook for a chat and maybe a meet up.

Harlow MTB Club

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