Sunday 11 October 2015

The Ride That Never Was!

A Story on the "Ride That Never Was" 


Sunday 11/10/2015 08:00 

Meeting point Bench Opposite the Park Inn Motel Harlow 





We had great time planning this ride out, posted up a Facebook event to our  Facebook Group and The time and place was set! 
Ride title was "Finching Field Ride Out", depart time was a early 08:00 start at the bench opposite the Park Inn motel, all 3 of us turned up on time and we had a chat about a few things and the route etc. 

Off we set with the thoughts of a great ride out to Finching Field as it is so lovely there and a great ride if the weather is kind to you! 

The route was going to be up to Moreton, Fyfield, Great Dunmow to Finching Field.

Just along Harlow Common rd we passed a chap out riding his Recumbent bike who gave us a wave as he passed by.

Recumbent rider.

All of us were making great the morning turn out to even better! 
Riding at a steady pace. 

On the way to Moreton.

 Linda at Moreton.

Bill at Moreton. 

And on we all went to head to Fyfield.

Dunmow Road B184.

Linda at the Junction of Dunmow rd B148 and B1080.

Our Bill on the approach.

Our first stopping point was going to be on the Dunmow rd B184 just before the Rodings Primary School, there is a nice bench there, this was also going to the time for Bill to adjust his saddle as it had slipped down a bit. 

 Bill had a Nut on his seat post clamp, now normally this would not be a problem, but none of us had any spanners to fit the nut! 
Hench the Boy Scout approach! 

 Worked a treat this did, Bill held onto the spanner he had and bridged the gap with a Allen Key! 

 Was going OK until we broke the bolt! 

Seat post off and clamp removed, 

Lets get our heads around this one! 
Think of a way out. 
Linda said she could call her other half to pick Bill up, (Very Nice of him!)
But what we needed was someone mowing the lawn, fixing a car.
Linda spotted a fella sorting out his garage and asked him to help, a Snap-On tool man, if any one could help it would be him! 

Bill having a chat with the Snap-On Tool man on what was needed! 

Any way he managed to help us out and we all set off again! 
Thank you Mr Snap-On Tool Man! 

Two Llama's sitting in a field at High Roding just before the Black Lion Public House.

High Roding Library.

It was in High Roding we decided to cut the ride short due to Bill's seat post problem, it kept on spinning and not held at the right height to make the ride more comfortable. 

New route now was going to be along the Canfield road a turning off to the left of us all a few 100 yards up the road, this would take us all up Green Street and then on to the B183.

Going up Green Street on the Left I saw this massive mansion! 
Not to sure where it is! 

Did look for any evidence relating to the Cross, but could not see any! 

 Linda enjoying the ride.

Bill looking a bit wobbly! 
I put it down to his broken seat post bolt! 
We did make it as far as Hatfield Heath to the "Heavenly Treats" Tea room just by the church, I have no Idea why I did not get the camera out and take a few photos here! 
Just got carried away with the Coffee! 
Downhall Country House
Matching Road.
We all stopped and had a chat about how well Bill was doing with his dodgy seat post! 

That was the last photo I had taken on the ride! 
Cant even think why, there was a lot of pictures I could have taken, must have forgotten I had a Camera maybe! 

We all made it back to Harlow OK, Bill has now even fitted his spare seat post clamp! 

Thank you to Bill and Linda for making it a great ride out, even if we did not make it to Finching Field this time, there will other days ahead! 

Thank you you "Heavenly Treats"   for the warm welcome and nice Coffee.

Here is the route we all took on the "Ride That Never Was"!

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